112 results total, viewing 1 - 10
My mother is now well into her 90’s, and I am not referring to her age. My mother and her parents left Hungary in 1943 as the Nazis were closing in. The train ride across occupied Europe … more
The news and the images of the fiery destruction that has consumed parts of the Los Angeles area are startling and devastating. We recognize the fear and anxiety being experienced throughout the … more
Everyone has their favorite Chabad story. Here is mine. A friend once approached a Chabad  shaliach  (emissary) who would stand at the entrance to the subway station each and every … more
The Orthodox Union’s Teach Coalition is working overtime to bring out Jewish voters in the general election that ends on Nov. 5. “If we want our elected officials to defend … more
Orthodox Union Executive Vice President Rabbi Moshe Hauer posted this statement on motzei Shabbat. “Halleluka!” Our Sages noted that this rich word of praise was first used when … more
We Support and We Hold Responsible Today, the Government of Israel made one of the most morally and strategically complex and difficult decisions any group of elected officials can confront, … more
In a show of chizuk, 24 American shul communities are pairing with individual Israeli citizens, families and communities directly impacted by the horrific events of Oct. 7, thanks to an initiative … more
A few weeks ago, Rivki Lemmer of Brooklyn didn’t know that lab-grown meat existed. Now, after attending a week-long course run through the Orthodox Union, she feels well-versed in the … more
In an historic first, Jewish, Catholic and Islamic nonpublic school representatives united as one voice with Teach NYS at the New York State Capitol to lobby for an increase in nonpublic school … more
The 3,697 US antisemitic incidents the Anti-Defamation League recorded in 2022 represent a 36% increase over the 2,717 it tracked in 2021 and “the highest number on record since ADL began … more
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