Torah Columns
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A passionate British soccer fan was asked whether he considered soccer a matter of “life and death.” He said, “No. It’s much more important than that!” I’d … more
The Torah reading on the first day of Rosh Hashana begins at the point when Sarah is remembered. The Talmud tells us in several places that Sarah and Rachel and Chana were all remembered on Rosh … more
It was advertised as a symposium at a major psychology conference, a discussion about memory and forgetfulness, but it turned out to be one of the most intense and instructive days that I ever … more
More than what he was saying, it was his face that caught my attention. Flicking on the television absent-mindedly as I was getting dressed for a wedding, I came across the middle of a program with a … more
This column was published in September 2014, at the end of a year — 5774 — during which Israel fought Operation Protective Edge in Gaza. In the year that we are now parting with, it … more
I n our efforts to get closer to G-d in the days leading up to Rosh Hashana, every person employs a different strategy. Some learn the laws of Rosh Hashana, some give more charity, some pray … more
I hadn’t planned on stopping to watch, but something about him caught my attention. It was Tisha B’Av, the anniversary of the day our Temples were destroyed, the city of Jerusalem … more
The great transition is about to take place. Moses’ career as a leader is coming to an end, and Joshua’s leadership is about to begin. Moses blesses his successor. Then G-d does. Listen … more
To readers who remember the Bee Gees, our headline may bring memories of a plaintive 1970s hit love song. But today, the words, “broken heart” evoke other, more poignant and piercing … more
Nechama Leibowitz was fond of teaching her students to find the milah mancha , a shoresh (root noun or verb), word or phrase that appears numerous times in a given section. In Parshat Ki Savo, a … more
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