Mitchell Bard
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Now that the campuses have settled down, it’s time to take stock of what has happened since the Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel on Oct. 7. Despite the hysteria, the protests were resounding … more
Let’s state a few things at the outset. •Many Palestinians oppose Hamas and violence. •Every possible effort should be made to protect civilians in the Gaza Strip. •No one … more
My mother taught me you’re not supposed to call people dumb, but if I were going to produce a documentary on the State Department’s Middle East policy, I would title it “Dumb, … more
Unless you work for the government of Israel, you are not obligated to defend every Israeli action. You are entitled to your own beliefs. However, Jews, especially, must understand that the opinions … more
It’s popular to refer to contemporary issues as Orwellian, and one must wonder whether George Orwell would see echoes of his dystopian vision of 1984 in 2023. I’m not sure how many people … more
The BDS movement has been a total failure. It has not damaged Israel’s economy, it has not turned Israel into a pariah, it has not changed Israeli policy, and it has not destroyed the … more
After decades of ignoring how foreign governments were using donations to universities, the Department of Education (DoE) finally launched an investigation in 2020 and published a report that found … more
IT will be 30 years in September since a grim Yitzhak Rabin shook hands on the White House lawn with a beaming Yasser Arafat following the signing of the Declaration of Principles … more
Have you ever seen those contortionists who can tie their bodies up in knots? They can put their legs behind their heads and twist their arms backward. Journalists covering Israel have become … more
One of the reasons that descriptions of college and university campuses as universally antisemitic or hostile to Israel are so inaccurate is that they ignore the overwhelming majority of both … more
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