Passover in my mind


Passover songs dominate my mind
Never enough having multiple verses
Child laments his lost kid
Ending with omnipotence of an Almighty Power

Memories of Passover seders
Multigenerational participants sitting around a set-table
Each holding a hagaddah
While the youngest child asked Four Questions

Grandfather’s eyes tearing
Emotion of Pride
Fortunate to have a third generation
Participating in a Passover ritual meal

Pendulum has swung many times
Two generations of adults missing
Third generation has matured
Their children – grandchildren
Participating in the Passover seder

New voices sing Passover songs
Never enough has many verses
Child lamenting his lost kid
Powerful Almighty slaughtering Angel of Death
Invisible adults monitoring new generations

Dr. Chideckel is a psychiatrist in private practice based in Woodmere.