12444 results total, viewing 12191 - 12200
Before leaving this earth it is imperative to experience the music and certainly a live performance of Amir Gwirtzman. At a recent recital at Pianos on Ludlow Street in Greenwich Village, Gwirtzman, of Tel Aviv, performed his woodwind magic playing many of his pieces from his latest album Inhale Exhale. more
Our practice accepts interns; postgraduate students interested in a clinical internship must send us a copy of their C.V. and a cover letter. Surprisingly, many letters arrive with grammar and spelling errors. Other business leaders, education and agency administrators have voiced similar experiences. more
I believe that culinary speaking there is no pleasure, no rapture, no greater ecstasy then a well-prepared steak. more
Why do perfectly normal people lose their mind in a supermarket? Why do intelligent, sophisticated men and women with responsible positions, lifetime achievements – even powerful people in finance and business, lay leaders and educators, act so brazenly and bizarrely in a supermarket or department store? more
“Where am I? What happened?” Osama bin Laden asks. A clerk of the Angel of Death replies, “You are dead.” Osama is confused. “How could that be I was just sitting in my home in Pakistan planning the bombing of the American transportation system and having tea with my 15-year-old wife. This must be a mistake.” more
While growing up we all believe in fantasies. For years my son believed that there were monsters under his bed at night, my daughter believed that a unicorn would show up for her to ride away. Both of them believed in the tooth fairy (there was one of those, but it was only their dad in a costume). more
Dear Aviva, I just got engaged 2 months ago and have a problem. My friends and I used to be very tight. We would hang out all the time and go away to different places for Shabbos. I have begun to notice that they have been calling me less and less. I see on Facebook that they are still going to cool places for Shabbos and I don’t even get invited. I understand that it’s hard for them that they are still single and I’m getting married, but I thought that our friendship was based on more than just being single together. I’m really hurt. -Betrayed Bride more
The kashrut of milk can vary depending on personal standards, with some Orthodox consumers relying on USDA supervisors, and others on a stricter Jewish supervision called Cholov Yisroel. Recent efforts to examine the labor, animal welfare, and environmental policies of food manufacturers, have resulted in a debate about their role in the kashrut of food. more
Every day there are more stories in the media and Arab protests about Israel trying to “Judaicise” the area around what they call the Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. I have even read with curiosity how European Foreign Ministers and press reporters with Christian backgrounds describe the site as “what the Jewish people SAY was the location of the Holy Temples.” more
I used to be troubled a lot by the question of why G-d doesn’t reveal himself to us. If He wants our service, why doesn’t He demand faith through awe-inspiring demonstration and undeniable evidence? more
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