14821 results total, viewing 14531 - 14540
By Jeff Toback Issue of Oct. 3, 2008 / 2 Cheshvan 5769 With the dark, heavy clouds of the 70th anniversary of the Kristallnacht floating slowly in our direction, an incident that occurred … more
Staff Report Issue of Oct. 31, 2008 / 2 Cheshvan 5769 The National Council of Young Israel (NCYI) will present a Regional Synagogue Leadership Day on Sunday, Nov. 9, from 9:00 a.m. to … more
Literature and thoughts on the election By Alan Jay Gerber Issue of Oct. 3, 2008 / 2 Cheshvan 5769 Well, at long last, it is going to be over. Election Day is Tuesday and we will be … more
Issue of Oct. 31, 2008 / 2 Cheshvan 5769 Kristallnacht Commemorations - Sunday, Nov. 2 Cedarhurst - The Beis Midrash of Cedarhurst (the shtibel) and Rabbi Dovid Spiegel will host a … more
By Rabbi Avi Billet Issue of Oct. 31, 2008 / 2 Cheshvan 5769 Reading the story of the dispersion at the beginning of chapter 11, it is hard to see where the people went wrong. In the words … more
Issue of Oct. 31, 2008 / 2 Cheshvan 5769 For a complete list of recent smachot visit our web partner Editor's note: This page was edited on May 9, 2009 to remove … more
Issue of Oct. 31, 2008 / 2 Cheshvan 5769 Dear That’s Life, Jerusalem — Arriving in Israel after the long trip it takes to get there is not nearly as difficult as packing up and having to … more
New minyan offered on Shabbat morning By Malka Eisenberg Issue of Oct. 31, 2008 / 2 Cheshvan 5769 The Young Israel of Woodmere marked Shabbat Parshat Breishit by inaugurating a … more
Endorsements Issue of Oct. 31, 2008 / 2 Cheshvan 5769 Fourth Congressional District Hakarat hatov — gratitude — is an integral aspect of our lives. For the last 12 years, … more
Participants in the Cancer Walk at Jones Beach over Chol Hamoed bundled against the chill wind blowing off the water. It was the economy, however, and not the weather, that kept numbers down … more
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