Leadership day planned for local shuls


Staff Report

Issue of Oct. 31, 2008 / 2 Cheshvan 5769

The National Council of Young Israel (NCYI) will present a Regional

Synagogue Leadership Day on Sunday, Nov. 9, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at

the Young Israel of West Hempstead.

The event aims to address a multitude of issues relating to the

operation and growth of synagogues, including fundraising, programming,

membership growth, publicity strategies, legal issues, maximizing the

Internet and special programming for women, singles, seniors and youth. The

program will be geared toward all synagogue leaders of every level:

presidents, board and committee members, sisterhood leaders, Rabbis and

rebbetzins, executive directors and youth directors.

"The synagogue is the centerpiece of the Jewish community and the

nucleus of Jewish life," said NCYI President Shlomo Z. Mostofsky. "Serving

the needs of  a synagogue requires not just time commitments from the

congregants, but a depth of understanding by the people who are responsible

for its overall operations and continued success, which is why ongoing

training for lay leaders and clergy  members is so critical."

According to Mostofsky, the Regional Synagogue Leadership Day is

intended to enhance the NCYI's continuing efforts to provide synagogue

leadership with practical solutions for the challenges that they confront.

He also noted that the National Council of Young  Israel presents Regional

Synagogue Leadership Days throughout the United  States, so that as many

communities as possible can benefit from the program.

The Nov. 9 event is open to both Young Israel affiliated synagogues and

non-Young Israel affiliated synagogues. Seating is limited and advanced

reservations are required. The program is free for Young Israel synagogues

and costs $18 for non-Young Israel members.

For more information, call NCYI Director of Synagogue Services Rabbi

Mordechai Roizman at 212-929-1525, ext. 103; send an email to

mroizman@youngisrael.org or visit www.youngisrael.org.