12680 results total, viewing 12441 - 12450
Dear Aviva, The summer will be here before we know it and I am starting to get more and more nervous about sending my 11 year-old son away to sleep-away camp. I’m sure he’ll be homesick and he only knows 3 other boys going. Also, I doubt he would remember to shower and brush his teeth. I am highly considering cancelling his registration and just sending him to day camp locally. What do you think I should tell him when I change his plans? -Cautious Camp Mom more
As his YouTube video hits close to 25,000 views in just one month, Dov Hoschander supports the Israel Defense Forces with his song and inspires all who listen. more
For most holocaust survivors, the memories of the war were not about fighting or combat, but of degradation, enslavement, and death all around. Their stories revolve on the theme of survival under the eyes and gun sights of Nazi officers. For their succeeding generation, the image of helpless Jews inspired their own efforts to prevent another holocaust. more
As Israel celebrates it’s 63rd year, The Jewish Star sat down with Adam Kugelman, originally from Woodmere and a senior at Yeshiva University, who served as a Lone Soldier in the Israel Defense Forces. more
“Air traffic control, this is El Al flight 001, requesting a descent pattern, we are ready to land here in Washington.” There is silence. “Washington, this is El Al 001, are we cleared to land our Boeing 747-400?” more
A defining landmark of the Orthodox community in Far Rockaway celebrated its latest milestone, installing the Torah on May 1 in its new 186,000 square foot building complex, before a crowd of some 5,000 local residents, students, and alumni. more
Pesach had been over for maybe forty-eight hours before I first heard someone ask me “So, what are we doing about Shavuot?” The question was asked by one of my Shavuot night learning buddies, with whom I also share a subsequent breakfast and early minyan. His question solidified the realization that such is the nature of modern Jewish observance, once one Yom Tov is behind us, we immediately begin obsessing about the one facing us. more
The description of the lighting of the Menorah appears three times in the Torah: in Parshat Tetzaveh (Shmot 27:20-21) in our parsha (24:2-3) and at the beginning of Parshat B'haalotkha (Bamidbar 8:2-4.) The contexts are different – the creation of the priestly clothing, one of the Torah's presentations of the holidays, and as a precedent to the purification process of the Levites, respectively. more
I’m writing this article sitting in my lovely leather desk chair, sipping and savoring my home-brewed latte in a ceramic mug topped with whipped cream. This morning I went for a light jog on the treadmill while watching a movie, took a steamy shower, and then made myself a large omelet with sautéed vegetables with a side of whole-wheat toast and butter. It’s good to be back home. more
Family members of Orthodox patients at St. John’s Episcopal Hospital in Far Rockaway can now spend Shabbat in comfort with kosher meals, Jewish books, and plush furniture. On April 13, hospital officials and local rabbis dedicated the bikur cholim room at the century-old hospital, recognizing the growing Orthodox community in the surrounding neighborhood. more
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