12680 results total, viewing 12501 - 12510
Sergeant Poloni pulls up to the residence where Officer Mann already has the perimeter surrounded. “What’s the status?” Poloni asks. “We’ve got the Jewish extremist trapped in the building,” Mann informs. “He’s not going anywhere for maariv.” more
Stuxnet is the virus, which has infected the computers of the Iranian nuclear centrifuges, causing them to be damaged. The job of the centrifuge is to purify uranium so it could be used for reactors and/or weapons. Until recently Iran had repeatedly denied that the computer worm had affected its nuclear program. In November, the UN said Iran had temporarily halted most of its uranium enrichment. more
With Purim now safely behind us, we are now ready to give our full attention to what is one of the most popular holidays on the Jewish calendar, Pesach. In a recent essay by Shira Schechter, the Madricha Ruchaniyah of Stern College, titled “Purim and Pesach: Two Holidays, One Theme,” she notes the spiritually symbiotic link between these two festivals: “Every year as Purim approaches we already begin looking towards Pesach. more
What brought about the deaths of Aharon’s older sons? Most discussions analyze the specific nature of the particular service they were performing. Were they drunk? Were they wearing the proper clothing? Did they enter an area prohibited to them? Did they perform a service reserved for their father alone? Did they merely bring a strange fire? more
For people who keep kosher, New York is rivaled only by Jerusalem as one of the great epicenters of kosher cuisine. My father, who grew up in New York, often talks about how the kosher restaurant scene evolved into what it is today. Originally the restaurants served simple but delectable food like deli sandwiches and knishes. Then a restaurant called La Différence opened up in the city and forever altered the kosher landscape of New York. La Différence, which was a fancy French-style restaurant, was a game changer in that it was the first kosher restaurant to offer what was considered fine dining. more
Dear Aviva, My family is in a lot of financial trouble. There’s very little money coming in and it’s very stressful. I manage the bills and I keep trying to explain to my wife that we cannot spend on any extras. She claims she understands, but she still spends over our budget. If I confront her, she gives me an excuse like, “I was being careful—I only bought things that were on sale.” Things are really stressful and her spending will get us into deeper trouble. Any advice? -Husbandry Husband more
David F. Nesenoff: Foremost on our minds is the killing of the members of the Fogel family. What is the message we take away from that? Moshe Feiglin: When I came back from the funeral to my car and realized that the whole funeral was broadcast live on the second largest station in Israel, I felt that something dramatic has changed in the Israeli society. more
The bribery case of Brooklyn State Senator Carl Kruger could provide an opportunity for the local Russian Jewish community to send one of its own to Albany. “He was never liked for his shenanigans. more
Less than two weeks after the horrific murder of a Jewish family in Itamar, attacks against Israel are escalating, with rockets from Gaza shelling Beersheva, and a deadly bus bombing outside the Binyanei Ha’Uma convention center in Jerusalem on March 23. more
Israel mix up Crowds of anti-Jewish protesters stood with signs demanding to stop future construction in Israel. After five hours of protesting they realized that they got mixed up and were not protesting the State of Israel, but rather were standing outside the home of Congressman Steve Israel. Although the mob eventually left, Congressman Israel, who was redoing his guest bathroom, stopped the construction contractor from continuing. more
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