Media Bias
59 results total, viewing 51 - 59
In “It’s a strange time to be a Jew, but when isn’t it?” Herald guest columnist Alan Singer adds his voice to the mainstreaming of Jew-hatred and Israel-bashing in our communities. … more
Israeli Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu condemned the New York Times on Sunday for an editorial characterizing his incoming government as “a significant threat to the … more
Ilich Ramírez Sánchez, known as Carlos the Jackal, is an international terrorist who for decades was the most wanted fugitive … more
It may turn out that a lot of Americans are devoting as much thought to the question of who will ultimately succeed the late Alex Trebek as the host of “Jeopardy!” than they do about … more
Any person who follows the news knows that anti-Semitism is on the rise around the world. As it has spread, so has our insight that this is a hatred with many faces, a many-headed monster fed by … more
The new BBC documentary about the question of bombing Auschwitz deserves an award — for creative fiction. Through omissions, distortions, and “re-enactments” of conversations … more
CNN commentator Marc Lamont Hill lost his job last week when he used a Palestinian phrase calling for the destruction of Israel. While there is no argument here about whether or not his statement was … more
When Mark Rosenblatt touched down at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv on April 5 and powered on his cell phone, he got the surprise of his mobile technology life. Rosenblatt received a text message … more
If a scandal festers in Washington but no one reports it, is it still scandalous? Forget, for a moment, headlines about the National Security Agency, Internal Revenue Service and Justice Department reportedly snooping on or obstructing ordinary citizens, political opponents or journalists. Consider instead the less dramatic but longer-running example of an under-the-radar scofflaw federal agency. The agency is the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). more
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