Kosher Bookworm
509 results total, viewing 1 - 10
W hile the popular jingle goes, “Summertime and the living is easy,” for the Jewish people, the summertime has proven to a hot time of the year, literally as well as figuratively. … more
J erusalem. Just the sound of the word should set off tremors of deep passion in the heart of every connected Jew. Jerusalem represents the very center of the Jewish faith since time immemorial. … more
No name in journalism is as emblematic of the profession itself as Joseph Pulitzer. This is not on account of talented reportage, scandals uncovered or a gifted personality. Rather, the name earned … more
In “The Making of a Halachic Decision,” Rabbi Moshe Walter leads us through the route that has been traversed through the ages by our great halachic decisors. Using a simple … more
I n his essay “Megillat Ruth and the Story of Yehuda and Tamar: A Study in Biblical Contrast,” Rabbi Alex Israel of the Pardes Institute quotes the following the following from Ruth Rabba … more
This week’s book, “The Accidental Zionist” by Rabbi Ian Pear (New Song Publishers, 2008) is an informal, somewhat irreverent book, zany at times about subjects that are dead … more
The Pesach Seder may be the most observed family ritual on the Jewish calendar. Accordingly, many books deal with Pesach observances, and I’ve referenced several in recent columns. This … more
W ith the onset of Pesach, I find the study of the historical and philosophical side of our religious tradition to be of great inspiration in getting myself into the “holiday mood.” Thus, … more
Here we are, on the cusp of the holiday of Pesach that in every manner of theme and observance surely defines us as a people. To help us prepare to respond to our children who may questions the … more
Purim is now behind us and the next time we are going to witness a full moon is exactly one month from now, Pesach. With that exciting thought in mind, I was taken by an essay by Dr. Adele Berlin in … more
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