Kosher Bookworm
604 results total, viewing 281 - 290
In reading former Israeli Defense and Foreign Minister Moshe Arens’ latest work, “Flags Over the Warsaw Ghetto” [Gefen Publishing, 2011] and interviewing him this past summer 2012 in Jerusalem, I was given the opportunity to become more fully acquainted with the decisive leadership role that Rabbi Menachem Ziemba played in the uprising against the Nazis 70 years ago this coming Passover. more
by Alan Jay Gerber Issue of April 18, 2010/ 2 Iyur, 5770 It stands proudly at the middle of the Chumash - the third of five volumes. It is the least historical; it is top-heavy with mitzvos … more
In his latest weekly Dvar Torah titled, “The Duality of Jewish Time: Parshat Emor” British Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks wrote the following observations that are most apt to the book under review this week, “Palaces of Time” by Dr. Elisheva Carlebach [Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2011]. more
Earlier this year, as the turmoil in Syria started to get a sense of reality, I stated to my students, some of whom were of Syrian heritage, that the one factor that will indicate to us the seriousness of the civil unrest in Syria, will be what ultimately happens in Aleppo, the commercial center of Syria. more
There are many high quality commentaries and translations on the Book of Exodus. Here are two that deserve your attention. “Redeeming Relevance In The Book Of Exodus” (Urim … more
With Pesach literally just around the corner, I would like to take this opportunity to suggest several Haggadah selections, as well some other learning resources, that, hopefully, will serve to further enhance your holiday. more
This week I am presenting a guest writer, Rabbi Jeremy Rosen, whose essay, “Italian Talmud,” excerpted below, introduces us to an interesting chapter in the long history … more
We are living in tumultuous times that are trying not just our souls but also our very physical existence. The recent shooting, in the holy city of Chevron, of Cedarhurst resident Eli Borochov and … more
Recently, Dr. Meir Wikler published the fascinating “Behind Closed Doors: Over 45 Years of Helping People Overcome Their Challenges” (Menucha Publishers). The distinguished rabbi and … more
With Shabbos Shekalim and Adar II approaching, our minds, hearts and, yes, our pocketbooks are once again focused upon the most joyous of holidays, Purim. In the winter holidays volume of his … more
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