Media Bias

Times canceled


This is an excerpt from an article published this week in by Ira Stoll, The Algemeiner’s press-criticism columnist, headlined "Jewish Newspaper Editor Cancels His New York Times Subscription, Callling Israel Coverage 'Dangerous' "

A longtime New York newspaper editor has publicly canceled his New York Times subscription after 60 years, citing “consistent misrepresentations” about Israel that are “dangerous” and “debilitating toward the quest for truth.”

The veteran journalist, Ed Weintrob, was previously the editor of the Brooklyn Paper and is now the editor and publisher of The Jewish Star newspaper on Long Island. Weintrob is hardly a knee-jerk critic of the New York Times — in fact, when much of the Jewish community was up in arms against the Times for its investigative criticism of Jewish schools, Weintrob fronted a defense of the Times coverage by Jonathan Tobin, headlining it, “Tobin: Even lying Times got this right.”

In a May 3 social media post, Weintrob posted a screenshot of the cancellation form on the New York Times website, with the box ticked that listed as a reason, “I have concerns about the New York Times’ coverage.”

In the explanation field on the form, Weintrob wrote, “A lifelong subscriber (and a journalist for nearly 50 years) I’ve approached the cancel button many times but never hit the trigger. The NYT, while not perfect, could usually be relied on to seemingly attempt honest coverage of key issues.”

The editor went on to tell the Times: “Your consistent misrepresentations toward Israel are at best cartoonish, at worst dangerous, and in all events debilitating to the quest for truth.”

To his social media audience, Weintrob explained, “Pushing that ‘cancel’ button was hard, but doing it was long overdue. … It’s a cold-turkey break to a 60 year addiction (yes, I’ve been reading the NY Times print edition that long).”

Weintrob has plenty of company in deciding he no longer wants the print New York Times in his home. On May 8, the New York Times Company announced that print subscription revenues had declined, notwithstanding price increases, and that the number of print subscribers had dropped to 640,000 in the first quarter of 2024 from 710,000 in the first quarter of 2023, a nearly ten percent decline in a single year.

The paper has seen some digital growth, but news-only digital subscriptions have also dropped off, leaving it unclear whether the company’s customers are paying for New York Times news and opinion or for the word games, cooking recipe library, and “Athletic” sports publication.

Remaining Times readers looking for evidence of Weintrob’s claims of a departure from the truth will have no problem finding it in the Times. …

I’d probably join Weintrob and cancel too, if I didn’t need to read the darn thing for this press criticism column.

Click here for Ira Stoll's column at The Algemeiner