That's Life 11-21-08


Issue of Nov. 21, 2008 / 23 Cheshvan 5769

Dear Readers,

Want to play a game?

I have been enjoying a little game with many of my friends. I’ve entitled it “What’s the most embarrassing song on your ipod?” An ‘ice-breaker’ of sorts, it allows people to share something funny about themselves without being too revealing — an opportunity to let people see a side of you they otherwise might not. And I have to tell you — it’s really funny.

So I am inviting you to play along. Go through your music library, iPod or MP3 — whatever you listen to. Please then e-mail your most embarrassing song title and artist to us at The e-mail must have your name and address.

We will select the Top 10 most embarrassing songs of our readers and print the list in next week’s issue. A panel of judges will carefully select the winning songs. Rest assured, your name will not be written next to the song title you submitted should your selection make the Top 10. And no – there is no $25 gift card to Burger’s Bar awaiting the #1 most embarrassing song. In fact, this is just for fun. So let the fun begin.

Send us your most embarrassing song today and remember, you’re in good company. Just to show you how funny and embarrassing it can be, I’ll be the first to submit a song: “Love Train” by the O’Jays. Embrace the disco in you.


If something happened to you “that could only happen around here,” you’ve got to share! Was it funny? Outrageous? Hopefully, it wasn’t too painful. No matter what, if you type it up and sent it to you’ll have a chance to win a $25 gift certificate to Burger’s Bar on Central Avenue in Cedarhurst — in other words, you could win an outstanding meal at one of Nassau County’s most popular kosher restaurants.

Submissions should include your name, your town, and your daytime and evening phone numbers. Sorry, but anonymous submissions cannot be considered. All decisions by the editors are final and all submissions become the property of The Jewish Star.

In case you were wondering, Burgers Bar is under the supervision of the Vaad Hakashrus of the Five Towns and Far Rockaway, and plays music you can find on MLW’s iPod.