Statement from the New Publisher


It is with the greatest sense of delight and pride that I come aboard as Publisher and Editor of The Jewish Star. It is a blessing to live in a vibrant and cohesive community that affords us so many choices... Where to daven, where to dine, where to shop, where to enroll our kids in school.

The variety inherent in the many available options speaks to our individual uniqueness within the bounds of Orthodoxy and ultimately to the success of our community. Such differences should be celebrated.
Since its first publication, The Jewish Star has taken on many different orientations, evolving over time. In the coming weeks the paper will once again morph to reflect yet again a new style.

I look forward to providing my readers with thought-provoking stories, information and editorials. It is my hope that the paper will be the catalyst for the exchange of ideas, debate and civil discourse.

Communication makes us stronger and wiser and to that end I encourage your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions.