Run For Their Lives, a national movement of runners demanding the release of the hostages, reached Riverdale on Sunday.
Fifty Riverdalians gathered at Seton Park gathered for a 30-minute walk of solidary.
“We first learned about the organization from friends who attended the 100-day rally at Central Park,” said Ari Vogel, a sophomore at Abraham Joshua Heschel HS. “The idea of starting a weekly local walk for people in Riverdale resonated with us, and we quickly mobilized by spreading the word through schools, synagogues, and friends.”
When she first arrived, Netta Pack, a sophomore at Leffell HS, said she didn’t know what to expect. “No one was showing up and the rain seemed to be coming down harder,” she said. “But before I knew it, 50 people were standing in a circle filled with flags and wearing the number “114” on their hearts.”
“From ‘Riverdale to Israel,’ our hearts and prayers are each day yearning for the liberation of the hostages,” said Riverdalian Stephanie Tzvi. “As we gathered today, we reinforced our solidarity to voice this urgent matter. May we have only good news.”
“Walking is the least I could do to voice the message of ‘Bring them home NOW’,” says Lisa W. “As a mother and a daughter and a sister and an aunt, I cannot imagine the grief that these families must be facing. I want to do more!”
The event concluded with a prayer for the hostages and the singing of Hatikva. Walkers hoped the hostages would soon be freed, but if not, they anticipate even louder voices and increased participation in a run next Sunday, continuing their unwavering commitment to the cause.
To join them, be in Seton Park at 9:55 am. The group will walk to the Bell Tower via Johnson and Riverdale avenues.