After celebrating the wonderful yom tovim, classes at CAHAL classes were back in full swing, concentrating on learning sefer Berei-shis.
Rabbi Feivish Rotbard’s second grade class in Yeshiva Ketana of Long Island spent the past two weeks on parshiot Lech Lecha and Vayeira. The small class broke up into two groups to allow for more individualized attention.
Through various Chumash games, the boys learned about the trials and triumps of Avraham and Sarah. Rabbi Rotbard and Rabbi Moshe Salhanick’s unique style of teaching proved to be educational and a lot of fun for the boys.
The first and second grade girls’ class in the Torah Academy for Girls learned about Rachel Imeinu in honor of her yarhrzeit. They listened to special songs and created a three-dimensional project in her memory.
CAHAL, the local yeshiva-based and sponsored community program for children with learning challenges, now in its 26th year, provides smaller, more individualized classes in the local yeshivas catering to each child’s unique learning style. All of the students attend mainstream activities daily, including lunch, recess, specials, assemblies, trips and more. When ready, the children attend mainstream academic classes as well, with support from CAHAL to ensure success.
CAHAL opened this year with the largest enrollment and most classes in its 26 year history. For more information about CAHAL, check the website,, e-mail, or call 516-295-3666.