Gaza War

In Great Neck, cards and bumper stickers


IDF Major (res.) Nerya Meir described for the Great Neck Synagogue on Sunday his experiences leading troops in Gaza combat.

Meir heads the Department of Zionist Activity in the Diaspora of the World Zionist Organization (WZO).

A lawyer by profession, he was called up as a reservist on Oct. 7 and utilized his abilities as a paratrooper and a leader to guide his troops in combat.

Meir recounted that before soldiers go into battle, they often write letters to their families to be sent in case they do not return. He displayed the “Last Letters” written by three fallen soldiers — Yoseph (Yossi) Chaim Hershkovitz, 44; Ben Zussman, 22; and Adi Leon, 20.

While many people often think of the hostages, some may pay less attention to the soldiers who are sacrificing their lives on a daily basis.

As a result, there is a new WZO initiative — the Wall of Heroes (Kir HaGvura) — that encourages people to write letters to bereaved families and also prepare bumper stickers to memorialize those lost.

Sunday’s event was coordinated by GNS members Dr. Paul Brody and Yehuda Goltche. Brody is president of the Long Island Region of the Zionist Organization of America.

Brody opened the program by leading the singing of the Star Spangled Banner and Hatikva.

GNS Rabbi Dale Polakoff recited prayers for the State of Israel and the safe return of the hostages.

Meir led the singing of the mishaberach for the chayalim, after which everyone sang “Acheinu Kol Beit Yisrael” with great kavana.

For further information about the WZO and its projects, contact