Holy Huckabee


A Great Neck man, Dr. Paul Brody, was one of several people who accompanied former Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee to Israel on August 18th and 19th, on a trip organized by Ateret Cohanim-The Jerusalem Reclamation Project.

Praising Huckabee’s “easy-going Southern manner,” Brody (above, between Huckabee and Rabbi Shmuele Rabinowitz, Rabbi of the Western Wall and Holy Sites in Israel) said, “What really came though was his sincerity, and his wit, and his grasp of the situation [in the Middle East] and possibly workable solutions.”

Also on the trip: Dr. Joseph Frager, chairman of the board of the Jerusalem Reclamation Project, Shani Hikind, executive vice president of JRP, and New York Assemblyman Dov Hikind.

“Can you just imagine,” quipped Brody, “If Senator McCain chose Governor Huckabee [as his running mate] the ticket could be called Macabee.”