Crossword Puzzle for 8-28-09


The Jerusalem Post Crossword

By David Benkof Issue of August 28, 2009 / 8 Elul 5769

1. First name in Jewish painters
5. Freud’s ego
9. ___-by-the-sea (San Francisco)
14. He’s serving a life sentence
15. “An American ___”
16. Israel-India concern
17. Revolutionary Luxemburg
18. Poet Nadel
19. Shia LaBeouf or Natalie Portman
20. Gravesite of 700,000 Jews
22. “... and ___ was light.”
23. Famous Kaffiyeh wearer
24. For Whom the Bell Tolls, apparently
26. Recites “Mah Nishtanah”
29. Monologue writer Eve
33. Calendar with Thanksgiving but not Purim
37. Mourning period
39. Bubbemayseh
40. Talmudic scholar Steinsaltz
41. Spar
42. “The ___ of David Levinsky”
43. Improper but common:  “___ bar-mitzvahed”
44. Dov ___ (Common Hasidic name)
45. Sapped
46. It modifies “menschlich”
48. Flower holder
50. Kind of cry
52. They fall from 48-Across
57. Haman, e.g.
60. Sea ___
63. Israel is far from one
64. Rabbi Hirschfield of CLAL
65. Seedy bar
66. ___ decisis (legal doctrine)
67. Like the star on the Texas flag
68. It can be neutralized by a base
69. Walter Benjamin specialty
70. Matzo brei necessity
71. Annie Leibovitz need
1. Actor Feldman
2. Rabbi quoted in the Talmud
3. States of being upset
4. Unkosher crustacean
5. The Temple had many of them
6. Garner, as in a reputation
7. Hairspray’s Larkin
8. Sydney’s Mardi Gras has a Jewish one
9. New York island
10. Daniel Barenboim is comfortable in front of one
11. Word with first or J
12. Smell
13. Only
21. Yiddish play “The Jewish King ___”
25. “Present!”
27. “Closer” Sedgwick
28. Journalist Tom (“1949”)
30. Put down
31. “Or ___!”
32. Clarinet need
33. Kfar ___
34. Fehr of “The Mummy”
35. Schreiber of the “Scream” movies
36. Ben Stiller’s mom
38. Textbook maker Torah ___
41. “Money Money Money” band
45. Sense
47. “No Respect” comedian
49. Alternative to diamonds
51. Polish ___
53. Like some waves
54. Gertrude’s significant other
55. Ira of “Rosemary’s Baby”
56. ___ of Peace
57. Garden tool
58. Emulates Molly Picon
59. Wissotzky products
61. It may be in one’s throat
62. Posse
Answers will appear in next week
Answers to last week's Jerusalem Post Crossword
(Issue of August 21, 2009)