passover 5781
Kids shine as they radiate the spirit of Pesach
Children at HAFTR, HANC, CAHAL and Shulamith wish all Chag kasher v’sameach!
The cover of this week's Jewish Star.
In CAHAL’s grade 4-5 class at YOSS, boys learned divrei torah and wrote them in their Haggadahs to read at the Seder.
At Shulamith ECC; there are signs of spring.
At HAFTR ECC, preparing matzah.
At HANC West Hempstead, examining a horseradish for maror.
At HAFTR ECC, flour is mixed for a matzah bake.
At HANC West Hempstead, making an afikomen bag.
At CAHAL-Shulamith 1-2, girls replicated kriyas Yam Suf and collected treasures, turning them into bracelets to wear on yom tov.
At Shulamith ECC, a girl proudly holds her Chag HaAviv art.
At HANC West Hempstead, a student works on a personal Haggadah.
At CAHAL-HANC K-1, boys made matzah and charoset from scratch.
At HANC West Hempstead, pulling a brick.
The Jewish Star
In this photo overview, our children are radiating the spirit of Pesach.