12444 results total, viewing 9661 - 9670
Parshat Pinchas contains the maftir readings for all of the Biblical holidays. Every holiday had a specific set of korbanot (offerings) that were brought in its honor. A similarity running across all of the holidays is a single goat which was brought as a chatat (sin offering) to atone for the sins of the people. more
More than 500 people gathered along the new Long Beach boardwalk and the sandy beach below on Sunday for the summer season’s first concert. more
The community was “shocked, shocked” by anti-Israel actions at Brandeis University. A kipa-clad student with Five Towns roots fought fight back. more
Marina Delfos is on a mission. Working with a group of people who come to Jamaica each year through Caribbean Volunteer Expeditions and a handful of local volunteers, she is helping to take inventory of the area’s Jewish gravestones, trying to make sense of the 360-year-old and oft-forgotten Jamaican Jewish past. more
If you want the measure of how American policy has clumsily tailed the shifting system of alliances in the Middle East, look no further than the op-ed titled “Iraq Must Not Come Apart,” published in the New York Times by Leslie Gelb of the Council on Foreign Relations. more
On June 12 three Jewish Israeli boys were kidnapped — Gilad Shaar and Eyal Yifrach and Naftali Frenkel. Naftali had dual U.S.-Israeli citizenship. Their terrorist kidnappers killed them almost immediately. more
When there’s a crisis at home, home is where we need to be — home is where we want to be. Beneath the darkening clouds of war that covered Israel this week, 64 new olim from the United States arrived in Medinat Israel on Tuesday. more
The heat was unbearable, but no one was thinking about the heat that day; there were 150,000 people who had gathered to pay their last respects. more
Far Rockaway mom writes from Efrat: "I watch Israeli news, but am also watching CNN, Fox, and other American news reports, to see how this situation, this new war, is being covered. It is surreal to watch." more
We are, as always, together with them in tefilla and tears, bi'lev vi'nefesh, during this "eis tzara li'Yisroel," and must do our part from a distance to beseech HaKB"H for a full-fledged yeshua bi'karov, a quick end to the missile bombardment and the current crisis in the holiest of all lands, Artzeinu Ha'Kedosha. more
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