12662 results total, viewing 12571 - 12580
I was in a local restaurant the other day and I couldn’t help overhearing a few young women talking at a nearby table. (Admittedly, listening in was not exactly polite on my part, but it was very … more
Misrepresenting the RCA To the Editor: The Jewish Star’s article on the brain death controversy in the Orthodox community (“Is Brain Death Enough?  The RCA Says Maybe”; January 21, 2011) … more
Seven months ago, an interviewer’s softball question to Helen Thomas, the dean of the White House press corps, “Any comments on Israel?” led to the explosive answer that cost Thomas her job. … more
Agudath Israel is filing a friend of the court brief on behalf of a Jewish mother whose two children were placed in non-Jewish foster care. The organization claims that Renssellaer County Social … more
Simcha Katz was planning on spending his twilight years immersed in the reedy commentaries of the Talmud when Rabbi Menachem Genack, CEO of the Orthodox Union, called him. It was 2005, and Katz had … more
Marion Blumenthal Lazan never managed to finish her schooling in Germany. However she now has a school named after her in her hometown of Hoya, Germany. The Marion Blumenthal Hauptschule is the … more
By Sergey Kadinsky Having climbed out of its past as a military dictatorship, Panama is revamping its image for the world as a hub for business, culture and tourism. As the country’s famed … more
Two weeks ago a giant of Torah learning passed away. Rabbi Zechariah Fendel was, after Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, one of the most prolific and articulate Jewish writers of our time.Each of the over dozen … more
Dear Aviva, I am a devoted and supportive husband. However, there are times when I feel like my wife makes too many demands on my life. In one recent instance, I had gone to hear a speaker on a … more
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