12662 results total, viewing 12541 - 12550
We all know that Lashon Harah is “gossip” and the “evil tongue.” And we all know that the Torah actually, and almost uniquely, assigns a specific punishment for Lashon Harah; it is leprosy. And we all know that you don’t see much leprosy around anymore even though Lashon Harah exists. more
I was among some 80 bloggers invited to cover the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington DC last week. CPAC is more than an opportunity to interview political figures and report on politics. It’s like a Star Trek Convention for political geeks. Instead of carrying phasers and putting on pointy ears, we carried laptops and wore fedoras. more
How did Nathaniel Hawthorne dream it up? How did he come up with his short story “The Minister’s Black Veil?” The Puritan minister of an old New England town one day inexplicably covers his face with a black veil that casts a shadow of gloom between him and his community to the day of his death. Hawthorne read this week’s parshah, no doubt. more
Wanting to experiment more with French cuisine, I recently began cooking using recipes from Joan Nathan’s cookbook “Quiches, Kugels, and Couscous.” The book contains an interesting compilation of recipes and the stories behind them. more
His first creative works were classroom caricatures. His latest works can be heard in concert and read in published books. Yisroel Juskowicz takes on all talents at once. more
Dear Aviva, My husband quit smoking before we ever met, and when we dated I made it very clear that I will not tolerate him picking up the habit again. We’re married about 4 years and I’ve recently been noticing signs that he has gotten into it again. I confronted him, and he fessed up right away, but I am so mad at him! I’m worried that my kids will grow up with a bad role model while they’re inhaling second-hand smoke—which is way worse than regular smoking! How do I get him to stop? more
Mendele Mokher Seforim, the nineteenth century Yiddish writer, famously wrote, “Among Jews, a birthday is no holiday. But the anniversary of a death; that a Jew remembers.” Last Friday’s (2/11) Hebrew date was the 7th of Adar I, the date of the death of Moshe Rabbeinu, as well as the date of his birth. (Kiddushin 38a) more
“Hi, my name is Heshy; I’m a liberal-holic.” Everyone in the synagogue basement room, sitting on folding chairs, responds, “Hi Heshy!” Heshy speaks, “I’m a little bit nervous to share my story. I guess I’ve always been a liberal-holic. Ever since I was a kid I can remember not really caring about anyone but wanting to make it look like I cared.” Moans of understanding emanate from the crowded room. more
As of this writing there is only one definite result of the Egyptian protests: as of September 2011, Hosni Mubarak will be out of office. The choices to replace Mubarak are many. But the sad truth is … more
With the abundance of storms that have everybody talking about the weather, one wonders how much the global warming camp can convince their opponents that "we" control the weather. Record snowfalls across the country seem to indicate to me that G-d, and not Hummers or Styrofoam cups, is still in charge. more
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