12680 results total, viewing 12481 - 12490
Davening was by far my greatest problem with Judaism. The number of hours spent in shul was staggering. Of course it wasn’t davening per se that bothered me but rather my inability to have meaningful davening experiences that was so frustrating. During my high school years, barriers to meaningful davening included my shamefully childish refusal to “submit” to administrative rule-makers who used detention threats as leverage to force me into minyan each day. Another obstacle was my failure to understand even the literal translation of the Hebrew words in the siddur. These two issues were resolved rather easily when I grew up a little and understood that teachers only want to help. I was ready to give davening a chance so I bought a new siddur with English translation printed under each individual word. more
Dear Aviva, I am a father of 4 kids- all in yeshiva. The tuition costs are exorbitant, and it's burning a huge hole in my pocket. It is causing much financial strife in my family. I am working a full time job that pays well, so I don't qualify for scholarship, yet I can't seem to afford much else except the tuition! It's putting a strain on my marriage, and arguing about money in front of my kids doesn't help our shalom bayis either. What’s your take on it? more
Our 21st century minds may find the purification process of the metzora unsettling. "Take two live birds, cedar wood, scarlet and hyssop. Have one bird killed in an earthen vessel over running water. Dip the remaining items (including the other live bird) in the blood of the first bird. Sprinkle the mixture on the one being purified, then let the live bird go free." (14:4-7) more
The annual Manischewitz cook-off is more than food; it is a media spectacle with celebrity chef judges, public officials, and journalists from newspapers, magazines, television stations, and blogs covering this national live cooking competition. more
Longtime Queens’ lawmaker Nettie Mayersohn retired on April 1, after voting on the state budget. Her departure marks the end of a 28-year State Assembly career, and while the governor has not called for an election to fill her seat, there is a strong likelihood that her chief of staff Michael Simanowitz will be the next representative for Kew Gardens Hills, Richmond Hill, and Forest Hills in Albany. more
As with every year, this year being no different, we are witness to the issuance of new commentaries on the Haggadah that serve to help enrich our appreciation of the annual observance of the Pesach Seder. more
Rabbi Yerachmiel Yisrael Yitzchak of Alexander, Poland explained the following rabbinic passage in a most creative and instructive manner. The rabbis taught, “[Tzara’at] blemishes come upon a person on account of the sin of lashon hara” (Erachin 15b and other places). The rabbi of Alexander explained that those who speak Lashon Hara are often altruistic in intent. more
“Hello Ahmed, this is Mahmed. Sorry to call on your cell phone number but it’s important; we have a little problem, do you have a moment?” Mahmed answers Ahmed. “Sure habibi tell me what’s going on.” Ahmed explains, “I’m proceeding with the boycott campaign against the Jews and Israel just like we planned.” Ahmed interrupts. “Very good, how is the Facebook page coming along?” Mahmed says, “Well that’s the problem. more
The April Issue of Playboy features Helen Thomas. I assure you that Thomas’ appearance is this month’s Playboy interview is offensive and obscene without any pictorials involved. more
You say Shma with your children and tuck them into their beds. After a tiring day of work, you have almost reached your day’s end as well, and soon you flick off your own light and climb into your warm, inviting bed. House lights are turning out one by one throughout your neighborhood until the whole town is sleeping in undisturbed darkness, peace, and serenity. more
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