14776 results total, viewing 14671 - 14680
The story of a local woman’s journey to Judaism By Michael Orbach Issue of August 22, 2008 Sitting across from Daniella Saffiato, a pretty brunette with a bewitching smile, whose … more
A Jewish Star Editorial Issue of August 22, 2008 Proper chinuch can be all about striking just the right balance — as much about not saying the wrong things as it is about saying the right … more
"Friendly" conversation with owner not a job action, Kashrus supervisor says EXCLUSIVE to The Jewish Star online- August 20, 2008 By Mayer Fertig Rabbi Menachem Meir Weissmandl, who … more
War between Russia and its former republic creates turmoil for families in Gori By Dov Winston Issue of August 15, 2008 At least 1,000 Jews fled the former Soviet republic of Georgia … more
By Mayer Fertig Issue of August 15, 2008 The Beth Din of America set a Friday deadline for Shulamith School for Girls to respond to a second hazmana to a din torah. A group of parents … more
Issue of August 15, 2008 We must be missing something. Federal and state law enforcement is investigating the Rubashkin plant in Postville, Iowa a half dozen different ways, with the most … more
Campers integrate chesed into a fun-filled summer By Yaffi Spodek Issue of August 15, 2008 Camp Morasha held a bake sale last Friday, raising $228 for the Zev Wolff Fund, which is a … more
By Chananya Weissman Issue of August 15, 2008 This year, Shabbos Nachamu coincides with Tu B'Av, which is interesting when you consider how the two events have evolved. Shabbos Nachamu is … more
Nazi Games: The Olympics of 1936 by Dr. David Clay Large Reviewed by Alan Jay Gerber Issue of August 15, 2008 The Olympic Games in Communist-ruled China are nearly half over. Much has … more
Construction nears completion for Beis Haknesses of North Woodmere by Yaffi Spodek Issue of August 15, 2008 The Beis Haknesses of North Woodmere will move into a newly renovated … more
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