12467 results total, viewing 12451 - 12460
If 200 of the 250,000 diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks, the whistleblowing organization, are to be believed, Israel has emerged as a cautious victor in the diplomatic arena. It turns out … more
By Michael Orbach Well over a 100 people gathered on Thanksgiving morning for a particular type of giving thanks: a Seudat Hoda for Ilan Tocker. The meal began after the late shachris minyan. … more
It’s the resting place of three prophets, one prime minister, the first Chief Rabbi and the inventor of the Modern Hebrew language and it has fallen into complete disrepair. A group of … more
By Michael Orbach This year, seven students from Yeshiva University High Schools will be participating in a new independent study Hebrew literature course where they will be mentored by a renowned … more
The current issue of “Jewish Action,” the quarterly magazine published by The Orthodox Union, features a very interesting and timely essay by Toby Bulman Katz titled, “Nachama Soloveichik: A … more
A blustery, sunny Sunday brought throngs of curious parents, grandparents and children to the preliminary opening of the Levi Yitzchak Library on Central Avenue in Cedarhurst.The idea for the library … more
Eishes Chayil is the pseudonymous author of “Hush,” a young-adult novel about sexual abuse inside the Jewish community.The Jewish Star: What motivated you to write this book?Eishes … more
“Hush” is the pseudonymous’ Eishes Chayil’s daring foray into the forbidden territory of sexual abuse in the closed enclave of Hasidic Boro Park. Gittel and Devory, the main … more
Shortly after Yosef is given his new title, he is introduced to his new wife: Asenath bat Poti Phera, the priest of On. Pharoh, King of Egypt, was the shadchan. As Yosef was not really given a chance … more
Dear Aviva, I was thinking about the basic differences between the chinuch that is implemented for girls (high schools and seminaries) vs. the yeshiva method and how it has a negative impact on … more
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