*Gaza War
477 results total, viewing 461 - 470
When I was a child, my racing, impatient young mind could never focus during weekly visits to synagogue in London, my birthplace, as my father and the congregants who sat in our section might well … more
Written on Erev Shabbat, last Friday. It has been a week since the war started, and I feel a need to write. I am not a writer. I don’t even know who I will send this to. I am, … more
We weren’t struck by a bolt of moral clarity when Hamas terrorists murdered and pillaged in Israeli communities near the Gaza border on Oct. 7, “because for the last 23 year … more
Considered by many the most influential secular Jewish poem of the twentieth century, “B’ir Haharegah (In the City of Slaughter).” was published in 1904 in the aftermath of the … more
Words matter. A number of media organisations have editorial guidelines directing them not to use the term 'terrorist' in their reporting of the conflict between Israel and Hamas. … more
In the days since Hamas launched its barbaric assault on Israel, there has been a lot of discussion about possible analogies between the current struggle and past chapters … more
The Hamas gunman aimed his rifle at the elderly couple in their home in southern Israel early Saturday morning. He held a grenade on Rachel Edri’s head, began screaming “Allah … more
This is an excerpt from a column originally published in May 2022. In recent days, two voices from Ukraine have been calling out to me. Chaim Nachman Bialik had been a student … more
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