5999 results total, viewing 5931 - 5940
By Menashe Shapiro Issue of Oct. 10, 2008 Jewish Republicans fell for it again. They continually fall for the patented Republican “bait and switch” act. When Sarah Palin made sure during … more
G-d’s clear indirect message By Rabbi Avi Billet Issue of Oct. 3, 2008 For the parsha with the fewest number of verses in the Torah, Vayelech is quite busy. (Nitzavim has 10 more … more
Teshuva and Yomim Noraim, The Noraos Harav (vol. 16) Suggested reading for Yom Kippur Reviewed by Alan Jay Gerber Issue of Oct. 3, 2008 As we are now in the midst of the yemei … more
By David Seidemann Issue of Oct. 3, 2008 I was meandering near the intersection of Court St. and Montague in downtown Brooklyn the other day, when a young lady with a clip-board and pen … more
The weeks before a presidential election provide spiritual fodder for the week between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. Throughout political campaigns, … more
Good old-fashioned pessimism? Not exactly. By Rabbi Avi Billet Issue of Sept. 26, 2008 Devarim 30:1 states: “And it will be when all these things come upon you, namely the blessing … more
The origins of a political farce By Alan Jay Gerber Issue of Sept. 26, 2008 By the time you read this article, the now famous anti-Iran rally will be just a dim memory. Rosh Hashanah … more
A call to remove the “garbage” By David Seidemann Issue of Sept. 26, 2008 I was driving to work this morning behind a garbage truck and trying to avoid the stench. Bumper to bumper … more
Evaluating the actions of our leaders By Howard Kopel Issue of Sept. 26, 2008 It’s that time of year when the timeless rhythms of Judaism take over our lives and carry us along in its … more
Issue of Sept. 26, 2008 We’ve learned nothing from history To the Editor: Your article describing recognition of the 1943 rabbis’ march, and the recognition of the work of the … more
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