14809 results total, viewing 9241 - 9250
Charles Dickens wrote, “It was the spring of Hope, the winter of despair.” I, myself, was hoping to have a spring of Hope, after a winter of despair — with my sports teams, that is. … more
Fourth Grade students at HANC’s Samuel & Elizabeth Bass Golding Elementary School, in West Hempstead, have been studying about Native Americans in Social Studies. They learned about how the … more
Adar is a time of simcha, and in the Middle Division of Shulamith School for Girls, the students have been celebrating the month with a series of fun-filled activities. To begin, the G.O. planned … more
Towards the beginning of Ki Tisa, the Torah gives us the first depictions of the Kiyor, the washbashin that was to be used by the Kohanim before they engaged in any Mishkan service. So important is … more
Jerusalem, 722 BCE: The mightiest army on the face of the earth has surrounded the city, bent on conquest and determined to put an end to the Jewish people once and for all. Approximately 35,000 … more
“There was nothing new in it.” With those six words, President Barack Obama tried to dismiss the significance of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress on March … more
I was disappointed with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) policy conference this year. I felt that it was bland, packed with … more
In perhaps the most widely debated address ever given by a foreign leader to Congress, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described a “fateful crossroads” on the Iranian nuclear … more
Fourteen of the 3,000 students attending AIPAC’s 2015 Policy conference in Washington this week hail from Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls of the Hebrew Academy of Long Beach. It was an … more
It is that time of the year. With the sound of the gragger still fresh in our ears we now contemplate the next Jewish holiday, Pesach, with all its rituals and, of course, the foods of holiday … more
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