14809 results total, viewing 8721 - 8730
We have all heard the comment, “They don’t make them the way they used to,” with reference to all sorts of things, usually tools and utensils. Despite all the technological advances … more
Until recently, French Impressionism was a Cinderella story. Derided in the late 19th century and excluded from the French academy (Salon), Impressionism — whose name derives from a … more
I hated the #MeToo movement. It angered me that women who had waited decades to accuse Bill Cosby of rape were believed as if they were the Oracles of Delphi, and that women who had kept their mouths … more
W hen all is said and done, antisemitism is fundamentally an ideology of violence. Behind every missive and every barb — whether delivered online, at pro-Hamas rallies or graffitied on the … more
Our three-week visit to Israel was an exhausting but inspiring amalgam of activities focused on post-Oct. 7 solidarity with soldiers, hostages’ families and the wounded. We also enjoyed time … more
Thanks all the same, but no, I’d prefer my next party not be “the talk of the town.” The advertisement promising town-wide … more
Issue of March 20, 2009 / 24 Adar 5769 Dear That’s Life, Remember the days when you could buy Dimetapp without having to pass a lie detector test or produce character witnesses? Me … more
Issue of July 3, 2009 / 11 Tammuz 5769 Weddings Wedding of Nini Stein (Lawrence, NY) & Dani Ross (Lawrence, NY) — June 23, 2009 Wedding of David Yakubov (Austria) … more
Issue of Oct. 2, 2009 / 14 Tishrei 5770 hen someone shows you who they really are, believe them. It's good advice in the schoolyard and in the workplace, but on the stage of history that truism … more
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