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A group of students from Stella K. Abraham HS for Girls began running Pre-START, a hands-on science initiative for preschoolers, in December. In this program, the high school students bring all of the necessary materials to the pre-school, and teach science concepts to the preschoolers, by leading hands-on science experiments. more
My initial instinct was to dismiss the idea of a minyan, for us to simply recite mincha on our own in one of the stadium corridors. Yankel was not sold. “There’s got to be ten Jewish men around here in this stadium. But how do we find them and get them into one place? There’s got to be a way.” more
The State of Israel said its final goodbye to former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon this week. While I vehemently disagreed with the decisions that Sharon made towards the end of his career, I will forever respect the daring and innovative military leader who spared no effort in defending his people. Starting with his brave fight to end the siege on Jerusalem in 1948, Sharon served as a model of courageous and daring thinking that still serves as the model for today’s Israeli army. more
With the Middle East in turmoil, Europe moving backwards, and the United States fatigued from years of war and recession, Canada has emerged as a staunch supporter of Israel. At a time when Israel is routinely singled out for condemnation, Canada has been at the forefront of defending Israel and criticizing its enemies. Has Israel found a new best friend? more
Last week, my dear mother-in-law, Sima Mattel (Sari), a”h, passed away. I never heard her complain about her lot in life. This was a woman who was taken from her home when she was 14, lived in a ghetto with her parents and seven siblings and watched her mother die of cancer. She ended up in Auschwitz, where four of her siblings and her father were sent to the gas chamber. She also walked on the death march and was in Bergen-Belsen. more
NEWPORT, RI—It is best known as one of America’s most celebrated and picturesque seaside towns, a summer playground for the rich, a major yachting destination, and home to famed eponymous jazz and folk festivals. But Newport, RI, is also one of America’s most historically important places of Jewish interest and history. more
Here are three disturbing memes about Jews and Israel that I’ve noticed in three separate-but-related news stories. 1. ‘You’re ungrateful.’ Here’s State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf responding to remarks by Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon regarding Secretary of State John Kerry: “We find the remarks of the defense minister to be offensive and inappropriate … given all that the United States has done to support Israel’s security needs and will continue to do.” more
Hillel CEO and President Eric Fingerhut plans to a review how campus Hillels should welcome other points of view, such as those of the faux pro-Israel organization, J-Street. [But] J-Street is not a pro-Israel group with a different perspective; it is an Arab-funded anti-Israel “wolf” in “sheep’s clothing.” For Hillel to tolerate it is an outrage. more
One of Maimonides’ lasting legacies was his attempt to systemize the specifics of Jewish belief. Consisting of 13 statements, he gave our faith a form wherein we are able to point to specific basic beliefs that go to the core of our faith. The seventh one focuses upon the belief in the role of Moses in our tradition. more
The Taglit-Birthright Israel program has expanded eligibility for its free 10-day trips to Israel for Jewish young adults ages 18-26, has learned. Teenagers who went on an educational trip to Israel during high school were previously not eligible but can now participate if they were under 18 when they traveled, confirmed Noa Bauer, Birthright’s vice president of international marketing. more
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