5115 results total, viewing 3241 - 3250
I can always count on my husband being late. Most of the time, it’s really not his fault, as I know he has absolutely no concept of time — unless it has to do with his beloved New … more
In considering the furor around President-elect Donald Trump’s decision to appoint Stephen Bannon, the CEO of the hard-right news website Breitbart, as his chief strategist, let’s start … more
An Ellison win would be another signal of the Democratic Party becoming the anti-Israel party. “Ellison’s association with the Nation of Islam … more
It had been a grueling few weeks. After almost 30 years in the reserves I was definitely getting too old for this — midnight ambushes with 10 to 20 kilometer treks carrying heavy gear and … more
One of the highlights of this week’s parasha, Chayeh Sarah, is Abraham’s considered effort to find a proper wife for his beloved son, Isaac, from among the daughters of his birthplace. … more
Were the forefathers Jewish? Leaving aside the anachronistic usage of the term “Jew,” there are those who argue that while the forefathers were monotheists, calling them … more
This coming Shabbat, Parashat Chayei Sarah, has in recent years assumed the added appellation, Shabbat Hebron, taken from the opening chapter in Genesis 23, detailing the purchase of what we today … more
Donald Trump is now America’s master.  As improbable as that outcome might seem to metropolitan Americans, it is actually quite consistent with the pattern of politics during the last … more
Famously, last week’s Torah portion, Lech Lecha (ranslated “Go To Yourself”) speaks of journeys. Specifically, Abraham’s journey. He was called upon by G-d, and he … more
I remember that ride, passing Agam Karun (Karun reservoir) and then the road below the Beaufort fortress, imagining what that would have been like if the PLO still controlled that high ground. … more
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