5851 results total, viewing 3321 - 3330
Our haftarah, for parsah Vayelech, contains the famous declaration of the prophet Hoshea, “Return, O Israel, unto the L-rd your G-d (“Shuvah Yisrael od Hashem Elokecha”), for you … more
A group advocating Palestinian statehood recently took out a full-page ad in the New York Times to warn that there will be “a Palestinian majority” in Israel in less than a decade unless … more
Jerry has wonderful memories of davening with his father in Rabbi Landau’s shetible, in Flatbush, on the Yomim Tovim. Starting when he was a young boy … more
Of the many Holocaust memorials and museums scattered across America, one stands out among the best: The Holocaust Memorial Center in suburban Detroit, correctly billed as America’s … more
The other day I sat through a discussion between Christian friends about conservatism and religion. One commented that some of the conservative theorists’ ideas about man’s imperfections … more
It is with certainty that Yom Kippur is the most intensely and widely observed of all Jewish holidays. Within the context of this observance there are numerous liturgical, biblical, theological and … more
In his forthcoming book “The New Philistines,” Wall Street Journal correspondent Sohrab Ahmari devotes a few paragraphs to a symposium on art and identity convened by the radical … more
Holocaust survivor Marlit Wendel shared her incredible story with my students … more
There are at least two reasons why Parshat Nitzavim is read before Rosh Hashana. First, it talks about teshuvah (repentance) (Biur Halacha 428: “9 Av”). Second, it serves as a buffer … more
Our parasha, Nitzavim, contains a celebrated narrative passage that focuses upon the concept of teshuvah (repentance): “And you will return to the L-rd, your G-d (v’shavta od Hashem … more
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