Rabbi Avi Billet
603 results total, viewing 381 - 390
The Torah shuns violence, values life, and has embedded in most Jewish hearts and minds through the generations that violence is not our way. The establishment of the State of Israel, and the needs for vigilance and survival, have changed this attitude somewhat, but even so, the Jewish people are still held to a higher standard – by others and by ourselves – and will seek diplomacy and other options before resorting to violence as a last option. more
Nothing in parshat B’shalach touches capture our attention as much as the events surrounding the splitting of the sea. The stubbornness of Pharaoh and his army is a tragic tale of greed, … more
From the one time in Re’eh to the three times in Shoftim to the five times in Ki Tetze, the Torah tells us nine times to eradicate evil – “Uvi’arta hara” – from either amongst you, or amongst all of Israel. It would seem that in most of these cases, as well as others in our parsha, the Torah is advocating for a death penalty kind of punishment for those who are either guilty of a crime, or are in violation of a mitzvah. more
As we undertake the building of the Mishkan (Tabernacle), we find many instructions that have been made more understandable to us through the numerous books of illustrations and charts the describe … more
    The mourning for Miriam is wholly inadequate, and it opened the door for the unfortunate events of Mei Merivah, which concluded with a need for different leadership to bring the … more
Were the forefathers Jewish? Leaving aside the anachronistic usage of the term “Jew,” there are those who argue that while the forefathers were monotheists, calling them … more
Parshat Behar-Bechukoti by Rabbi Avi Billet Issue of May 7, 2010/ 23 Iyar 5770 “The Living Torah” is the late Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan’s translation of the Chumash. In addition to the … more
Parshat Ki Savo Issue of August 28, 2010/ 18 Elul, 5770 by Rabbi Avi Billet My grandmother gets "nachas" from reading this column. She told me a few times that one of the things she enjoys … more
In Parshat Emor, the Torah tells us, “You shall then count for yourselves seven complete weeks after the day following the [Passover] holiday when you brought the omer as a wave … more
Parshat Bereishit By Rabbi Avi Billet Issue of October 16 2009/ 29 Tishrei 5770 Chava bears two children, Kayin (Cain) and Hevel, and each one takes on a profession. Time passes, Kayin … more
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