Yom Hazikaron at the Kotel


Two soldiers, sporting sfira beards, standing guard at the Kotel on Yom Hazikaron, Memorial Day in Israel. Friends of the editor go annually to the Western Wall to “pray for the souls of the holy ones who fell in the sanctification of G-d’s name, the nation and the land. Our hearts filled with pride seeing these two young bearded soldiers standing guard by our holiest site and paying respect to those who died. In which army in the world would future officers be Jews, unshaven with beards in an honor guard for reasons of religion and conscience? It is an honor and a merit to take part in defending the nation and the land and pay respect to these righteous ones. May the Holy One Blessed Be He watch and save our soldiers from all suffering, dire straits, injury, and disease and send blessings and success in all they do, their enemies should fall under them, and they should be crowned with salvation and victory.

Chag sameach, Yehuda and Tova”