YI Woodmere: Purim cautions on drinking, Mishloach Manot


The rabbis at the Young Israel of Woodmere sent the following pre-Purim message to their members.

Drinking alcoholic beverages

We are happy to see many notices cautioning about excessive drinking by our kids on Purim. Some of the messages are misleading. Excessive drinking is not just a Purim problem and not just a kid problem. It is a Shabbos problem, a Yom Tov problem, a mid week problem, a USA problem, an Israel problem, and an adult problem as well. It is also very difficult to get the message across. Some places such as YIW have taken extreme measures by banning liquor and beer from our premises (we still have adults who come to Shul with flasks in their pockets). Admittedly the rule in an ideal world should be temperance and moderation, not prohibition! But we do not live in Voltaire’s best of all possible worlds.

Alcohol is a dangerous drug and it is the gateway to other even more dangerous drugs. It therefore behooves all adults to exercise good judgment if and when they drink. Do not drink excessively in front of children, teenagers, or young adults. We are not so naive to believe that most of our kids will abstain from drinking. If that is the case, parents should teach them to drink responsibly. Do not elevate drinking to some glorious religious or social norm! Never drink and drive! Always remember that most children like to emulate their parents. Let us all be responsible parents in this area of the real world.

Mishloach Manot

We have seen the evolution of a mitzvah to send two cooked items to one friend into an extravagant effort to outspend and outdo our friends and neighbors. Much of shalach manos leads to bal tashchis, wasting of food. We live in difficult financial times. Let’s go back to simplicity. Send simple shalach manos to two friends. If you have more money to spend on food for others, give it to the poor. Let your friends know that this year you have concentrated your efforts on matanos la’evyonim, gifts to the poor. Tell your friends that you have done it in honor of those friends who do not receive shalach manos from you this year.