YI Woodmere expands its adult education program



The Young Israel of Woodmere will expand its adult education program next summer, adding a Beis Medrash Initiative led by Rabbi Shay Schachter, the shul announced this week. 

The “structured program” will be open to greater community as well as YIW members, the shul’s president, said Yehuda Poupko, said. YIW Chairman Shlomo Zuller called it a “revolutionary endeavor.”

“The addition of Rabbi Schachter to our rabbinic staff will emphasize the importance of limud to our community and enhance our dedication to Torah study,” said YIW Rabbi Hershel Billet.

The new program will include a morning kollel and an evening Beis Medrash with chavrusah learning. Rabbi Schachter, as the central scholar in residence, will work to inmprove the caliber and frequency of limud Torah, adding new shiurim and classes. He will also assist YIW’s rabbinic staff during Shabbos and Yom Tov minyanim.

The YIW’s existing adult education program will continue to provide additional opportunities and services, such as lecture series, programming for the chaggim, and classes on various topics.

YIW Chairman Shlomo Zuller referred to the Beis Medrash Initiative as a “revolutionary endeavor” and the appointment of Rabbi Schachter as “a crucial step toward enabling our kehillah to reach even greater heights.”

“I am humbled by the prospect of developing the Beis Medrash program and I am very much looking forward to enhancing and increasing the opportunities for greater Talmud Torah in the Woodmere community,” said Rabbi Schachter. 

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