‘Wonderful mitzvah’ at JCC food pantry


The Rina Shkolnik kosher food pantry of the Marion & Aaron Gural JCC last week invited needy Five Towners to stock up for Pesach.

“Unfortunately for many it is a very different holiday [with] many, many families in need of help,” said Arlene Putterman, a spokesperson for Stop & Shop, “which donated “a ton” of food to the Woodmere pantry.

Joel Block, executive director of the JCC, said the pantry was there “so no one in our community goes to bed in need.”

Food coordinator Renee Harris said the pantry will be open until April 21, the day before Pesach begins. “This is a lot of food and many families need things for Passover,” she said of the Stop & Shop donation.

“This is a wonderful mitzvah, having a food pantry for the residents and we appreciate it,” said one of the pantry’s consumers.

Matt Futterman, spiritual leader of Temple Beth El in Cedarhurst, alluded to the Haggadah when he said, “Let all who are hungry, come and eat. It’s not just about the brisket, it is about the sharing.”

Leaders of Congregation Bais Tefilah in Woodmere, Temple Israel of Lawrence, and Temple Hillel in N. Woodmere, were also present.