
With donuts to cops, HAFTR kids ‘Pay it Forward’


HAFTR’s “Pay It Forward” program begins with Ms. Ariana Wolfson giving Donuts to her local police department, and eighth-grader Jonah Bari helping Mrs. DelaFuente.

During the course of the school year, HAFTR students have been taking part in regularly scheduled discussions on the concept of gratitude.

Now, during the Omer period, the HAFTR Middle School is embarking on a major drive to “Pay It Forward.”

Ms. Wolfson and Mrs. Werzberger spearheaded the idea of recreating this project in which the school is at the change of community betterment.

Last Tuesday, all of the students were gathered at a special assembly and were inspired by a brief clip from the movie “Pay It Forward.” The students were then challenged to go out and indeed pay it forward.

Six students were nominated to begin the program. They are to come up with a way of helping out or doing a kindness for another person (not necessarily a friend). Their ideas are to be shared with Ms. Wolfson or Mrs. Werzberger.

As they do their act of kindness they are to take a picture which will be posted in a special display. Each student will then be asked to nominate three more people (students, teachers, parents, friends) to continue to pay it forward.

In this way, HAFTR hopes to return a little sanity and goodness to our environment.