The tale of Sweta and a ‘Pick Purple’ collection


In the children’s section of Macy’s lived a purple sweatshirt named Sweta. While her friends got picked one by one, she stayed on the shelf for a long time, folded and unable to move. 

Manny the mannequin stood beside Sweta’s display. She encouraged Sweta, advising her to maintain her precise fold. “If you look messy, a neater sweatshirt might get picked instead of you.” But without fail, Ricky the restock man, would come and place a new pile on top of her. 

Sometimes Sweta’s hopes were raised, like the time she got to the checkout line. But that girl decided not bring Sweta home. Sadly, Sweta waited and waited. 

And then came Sweta’s lucky day. A cute little girl patted Sweta, and cooed to her mother, “I’ve never felt a softer sweatshirt! Please Mommy!” Little Jenny pulled Sweta over her head. She was a perfect fit and soon Sweta was in a bag held by Jenny, on the way home. 

Life with Jenny was fast-paced. She wore Sweta everywhere, through many adventures that nearly scared the hood off her, and even during the summer! 

But by their second winter together, Sweta started seeing more of Jenny’s drawer than of her friend. Every few weeks, Jenny would pick up Sweta and put her on, and Sweta would sigh in relief at a chance to stretch and have fun again. But day after day, Sweta watched the other clothes get picked. 

Barbara, the button-down blouse, Zelda, the zip up hoodie, or even Carla, the colorful cardigan, all got picked to spend the day with Jenny, while Sweta shifted to the back of the drawer, in the company of the unmatched socks, worn out clothes and too-small shirts.

Sweta didn’t understand why this was happening. She was sadder than she’d ever been. Sally, a single sock who’d lost her match, saw the tears on Sweta’s soft face and said gruffly, “Look, kid. Jenny simply outgrew you. When she lifts her arms, her belly button shows. We are here to stay and will never be picked again.”

Sweta brooded, almost losing hope. “What will Jenny do when her dresser is too filled up to hold all her clothes?” she wondered.

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