The Eliezer Project and the community


As our community prepares for the imminent arrival of the Yomim Tovim, The Eliezer Project (TEP) is working hard to help our clients. The Eliezer Project is a local organization that was created three years ago to help those residents of the Five Towns, Far Rockaway, and West Hempstead communities who are impacted by the economic crisis and are experiencing extreme financial crisis and job loss.

The Eliezer Project assists job seekers with finding employment by offering job and career counseling, resume revision, job interview tips, and seminars and workshops on specific topics such as “How to Approach the Job Search”, “How to Network”, “How to Use LinkedIn”, “Using Social Media to Find a Job”, “Starting Your Own Consulting Firm or Small Business”, “How to Tweak Your Resume for a Particular Job” and many other relevant topics.

Once a community member contacts The Eliezer Project, he is given an appointment for an interview with Ellen Aronovitz, our Employment Director. During the interview, the client’s past work experience, job opportunities and career paths are discussed. The client’s resume is then reviewed and critiqued and revisions are often made. The client is then enrolled in our Yahoo Group where he or she receives access to job opportunities. The jobs that are posted are carefully selected for each client’s experience and qualifications. Clients also receive daily articles relating to all aspects of conducting an effective and successful job search. The Employment Director also alerts clients to upcoming networking events and job fairs.

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