TAG chesed brings fun to storm-weary kids


The Torah Academy for Girls’ (TAG) chesed program united with the White Shul this past Sunday to present multifaceted entertainment for children impacted by Hurricane Sandy.

TAG High School’s Zichron Chana Henya Ahavas Chesed program and TAG’s 12th grade, under the coordination of Mrs. Breindy Judowicz, ran the event at the White Shul between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. this past Sunday. They are planning to repeat the program this coming Sunday, November 11th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The earlier time is to enable the children and parents to attend a Lipa Schmeltzer concert in the area that afternoon as well.

Two TAG graduates, Sarah Novack and Margalit Grossman, helped run the program. Under TAG’s initiative, and with the help of the White Shul, children who were toilet trained and older, boys up to age eight, were invited to the White Shul to do arts and crafts, listen to stories, eat pizza and snacks and drink juice. Two preschool teachers, Mrs. Shayna Markowitz and her mother-in-law, Mrs. Markowitz, came and brought many activities and games, jump ropes, and basketball hoops.

Musician Gershon Veroba and Rabbi Chaim Leibtag played guitars and sang songs in an impromptu concert, and the children danced and sang along. The crowd was estimated at 150 children. “The place was packed,” said Rivka Dienstag, a TAG graduate who assisted as an “extra hand. Some parents stayed, some left their children. It was amazing. Everyone was happy to be there and was having a good time.”

Another TAG graduate, who did not want to be named, said that they wanted to state that, “If you are affected by the hurricane and could benefit by dropping your children ages three to eight off on Sunday at the White Shul from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., please join us.”