Smart back to school shopping tips for families


Issue of August 20, 2010/ 10 Elul 5770
by Lori Mackey

Back to school means seeing friends, catching up and wearing new clothes. All this is fun and exciting for kids, but for parents all the shopping, planning and scheduling can be stressful. If you plan ahead, and involve your children in the process, you will save money and have the opportunity to teach some valuable life skills such as, financial know-how, time management and successful work habits.These tips will make the transition from summer vacation to a successful school year as simple as possible.

  • Plan and Make a List: Spending is easy but saving money takes a plan. First thing first, make a list of supplies and clothing necessary for school, and then create a second list of wants.
  • Take inventory: Go through clothing, and supplies separating what stays and what goes.
  • Make it Fun: Go on a scavenger hunt around the house to find any leftover supplies from last year, then check those off your list and voila! You just saved money. Practice this with clothing, shoes and accessories and you will be amazed on what you really don’t need.
  • Have a plan: Limits should be set before you head out the door. Set a budget with you new list, use cash and don’t forget your coupons. It’s fine to tell your child, “I have $100 to spend this week,” and help him or her spend it wisely.
  • Pass it along: Take a small amount of the items that you have set aside and pass it along to a charitable organization. Teaching your child to give to others builds character and appreciation for what they have.
  • Routine, Routine, Routine: Creating good habits can be easier than you think; by putting a routine in place you can turn a daily chore into a good habit. In the perfect world your kids will wake up early, eat and be ready for school on time. But if that’s unlikely (which is usually is!), create a visual daily chart with what is expected in the morning, after school and before bed. This will give your children the structure they need to create successful habits.
  • Rewards: Ever wonder how one teacher can control 30 kids? Rewards! Kids love rewards and challenges. Set up a reward system at home and allow your child to attain rewards for success.
  • Spread it out: Children live in a world of instant, fast, got to have it now! Children do not know what delayed gratification means. Spread out the back-to-school purchases out over several weeks or months if possible.
  • Set goals with allowance: You can implement an allowance system, which will allow your kids to earn money for the items on their “want” list. Allowance can help you and your kids become consistent with what is expected on a daily routine. When kids succeed at goals or finish jobs they feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. Set your kids up for success and everyone wins.

Lori Mackey is an i-Parenting award-winning author, speaker, mother of two teens and founder of