Shalhevet hears Web woe


With the advance of technology, use of the Internet is at an all time high. People of all ages are using the Internet for business, school, and personal use. However, the Internet possesses many dangers as well.

Midreshet Shalhevet hosted Police Officer Galvin, who works in the Community Affairs department, who spoke with the students about the dangers of the Internet and how to protect themselves. Officer Galvin explained that once something is posted on the Internet it can never be fully erased. Even if a picture is private, there are ways to find it. She also stressed how important it is to stay away from strangers.

Many people pose as others on the Internet, tricking you into believing they are somebody else. Office Galvin also spoke about cyber bullying and how it is destroying the lives of teenagers and children all over the world. Officer Galvin noted that if someone feels they are being cyber bullied they should not be scared to speak up and get help.

The Shalhevet students walked away from the presentation with a new outlook on the Internet. They felt it was very eye-opening to learn about its dangers. Midreshet Shalhevet would like to thank Officer Galvin for imparting this crucial lesson to them.