School updates


Midreshet Shalhevet 5773

School is off to a soaring start at Shalhevet High School, now in its fifth year. In addition to their full slate of courses and APs (such as AP Chemistry, Psychology, Calculus AB and BC, European History and American History), new AP offerings this year include AP English Composition and AP Art. Other new course offerings include Sign Language (for grades 10, 11 and 12), Creative Writing, and Public Speaking. The school is proud to welcome many new teachers to their outstanding faculty, and especially to welcome Mrs. Shaindy Lisker to the role of Assistant Principal. Students are buzzing with the opportunity to try out for the musical Newsies. The girls are looking forward to the chesed trips that have become a staple of the school; erev Rosh Hashana chesed programs include trips to Masbia and the Hebrew Free Burial Society. For further information call 516 224-0240 or email at

Rambam Mesivta 5773

Following last year’s 20th Anniversary celebration, Rambam Mesivta is poised to continue its mission of molding the students of today into the leaders of tomorrow. One of the highlights of the year will be the school’s Night Torah Learning Program. Nearly every night, from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM, a Rambam Rebbe will be available to learn with talmidim who want to learn. There will be “open” learning, as well as pizza, in addition to a shiur. Then, from 8:30PM-9:45Pm there will be a Rambam Kollel followed by a 9:45 PM Maariv. The Mesivta invites the community to learn and daven by them and enhance this Makkom Torah. Additionally, a Rebbe will be available for optional lunch Learning. Also, under the guidance of Rabbi Avi Haar, Rambam Mesivta is bringing back its Limudei Kodesh Honor Society. Talmidim will qualify for the program by participating in optional learning, writing for Hamasmid, the school’s weekly Dvar Torah publication, doing chesed, and other Torah related activities. Members of the Society will be treated to a special trip, become eligible for raffles, and earn special recognition on their diplomas and at graduation.

Rambam Mesivta, long recognized for its commitment to activism, is planning a rally to protest Germany’s ruling that circumcision be made illegal. Rambam students will march on the German Consulate in an effort to raise awareness about this transparent act of discrimination.

On the General Studies side of things, having met Elie Wiesel, author of Night, and Malcolm Gladwell, author of The Tipping Point, last year, the school’s Meet The Author Book Club plans on meeting Tom Wolfe, author of The Right Stuff as well as Pulitzer Prize winner Junot Diaz. The school’s Culture Club currently plans on seeing another Shakespearian play, following last year’s exclusive “Talk Back” with the cast and director of the Broadway production of The Merchant of Venice. The Culture Club also plans on observing a lab at work at Brookhaven College and attending workshops at the Museum of Tolerance in conjunction with Rambam’s UN Watch Group.

Bringing learning to life, living Torah, engaging in chesed and viewing the world through a halachic framework are the hallmarks of a Rambam Mesivta education. This year looks to be another one for Rambam students to not only learn history, but also make history. For further information please contact Assistant Principal Hillel Goldman at

To submit an update or news for your school, please call Malka Eisenberg at 516 622-7461 x240.