NY concert hears tough talk in support of Israel


For the 21st year, a mid-afternoon concert and political rally in Central Park overlapped with the day-long Celebrate Israel Parade on Sunday.

Musicians and dignitaries rubbed shoulders at Summerstage as crowds poured past security to enter the Rumsey Playfield near the park’s 72nd Street entrance.

The lineup included Shloimie Dachs and his orchestra, Lipa Schmelzer, Israeli singer Gad Elbaz, America’s Got Talent Edon, Benny Freedman, Nachas, Elron Zabatani and Shlomi Aharoni.

“It’s important to show unity and to show the world we are united and that we all are committed to making sure that Israel remains united, both the people of Israel and the land of Israel.” Friedman told the Jewish Star before his performance, which including Matisyahu’s “One Day” and more.

Edon noted that he is not from New York and is happy to “see so many Jews support Israel from all walks of life.”

Dr. Joseph Frager — who, together with Karen Frager and Dr. Paul and Drora Brody, organized the event — thanked the audience for “coming here to show the whole world that the land of Israel belongs eternally to the Jewish people.”

“How great it is to be with so many fellow Zionists,” exulted Morton Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America. He stressed that Israel includes Judea and Samaria “forever” and that “there is no occupation.”

“The Jews have a greater political, legal, religious claim,” Klein said. “The American people are with Israel and the Jews of the world.” He urged Congress to stop funding the Palestinians and said that the Koran should be “transformed” since it promotes and urges anti-Semitism.

Dr. Alan Berger, a concert sponsor, said that “Israel is our haven, our security, not just a nice place to visit. And we have to appreciate that not long ago we didn’t have it.”

“A strong Israel only makes America that much better,” he said.

Attorney Alan Dershowitz introduced Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), an outspoken supporter of Israel. Backstage, Dershowitz condemned the boycott, divest and sanctions (BDS) movement, noting that it is focused solely on Israel and not other countries that are guilty of serious violations of human rights. He also noted that J Street, an organization that singles out Israel for condemnation although claiming to support Israel, is “guilty of the worst hypocrisy.

“They won’t allow me to speak,” he said, noting that they want to be included in the Jewish “tent” but “won’t let me into their tent so they could understand why J Street is not for Israel.”

“I stand with our good and great ally the nation of Israel,” Cruz said as he was greeted with raucous cheers. “The challenges facing Israel and the U.S. in national security have never been greater than now.”

“The relationship and friendship between the U.S. and Israel is and should always be unbreakable,” he declared, “and you have my commitment of a strong voice in the U.S. Senate to stand for the State of Israel, and a strong voice against a bad deal with Iran.”

Cruz commended Israel’s “path to energy independence” and Israel’s treating more than 1,000 Syrians in its Ziv Medical Center. He called for a vote for the Kirk-Menendez bill to increase sanctions against Iran, stating that it should have been voted on already.

Israel Deputy Minister of Defense Danny Danon, told The Jewish Star that it is crucial to implement a bill to stop United States’ funding of Hamas and “don’t look for loopholes in implementing this important bill.” He also endorsed annexing the parts of Judea and Samaria known as Area C that have the highest concentrations of Israeli towns and Jewish population.

Former United States Ambassador to the UN John Bolton told The Jewish Star that he believes the recent exchange of an American POW soldier for five Taliban terrorists was a mistake for “equating one of ours and the Taliban. I always felt that Israel was making a mistake when exchanging terrorists for prisoners.” He said he “understands humanitarian concerns” but that “they (terrorists) are never satisfied” and that putting “a price on the head is encouraging the terrorists to do that again.”

Bolton also said that the recent “deal with Iran benefits Iran almost exclusively,” that there is “nothing in the deal to stop them.”

Recent negotiations with the Palestinians are a “demonstration of why the two state solution does not work,” he said. Bolton advocates a three state solution, giving Gaza to Egypt, parts of the “West Bank” that Israel doesn’t need to Jordan.

“In the absence of a two state solution, Israel has to look out for her own interests,” he said. “No one should be surprised with that.”

Special praise was extended at the concert to its founders Carl, z”l, and Sylvia Freyer. The Freyers were given the mission by Rabbi Shlomo Riskin in Efrat 21 years ago to raise awareness for Israel by launching the annual event, explained Sylvia Freyer at the concert.