Mesivta Rambam: Keeping the kesher


Following Rosh Mesivta Rabbi Zev Meir Friedman’s trip to visit the Rambam alumni learning in Yeshivot in Israel, Rambam Gemara Iyun Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Ziskind found himself surrounded by Rambam talmidim, sharing in Torah and learning.

Last summer before the yearly Seuda Peradih of Rambam’s advanced Gemara shiur, held in the Ziskinds’ bungalow, it was decided to keep the kesher throughout the year. When Rabbi Ziskind came to visit Israel, the talmidim from his Double Bais shiur would commit to, once again, strengthen the kesher. Eitan Blumstein ‘13, now learning in Yeshivat Shalavim, and Eric Grossman ’13, learning in Netiv Aryeh worked out the details.

The reunion started with a shiur at the Kotel, on the sixth perek in Berachos, followed Maariv, after which the group returned with the Rabbi and Rebbitzen to Geuala for supper where they were joined by honorary shiur member, Yitchok Meir Ziskind, as well as Rambam grads, Dovi Bitterman, Yair Lichtman, Michael Rosenfeld, Dovid Simpser and Joseph Yitzhaky.

Despite a time difference and thousands of miles, from Rabbi Friedman to Rabbi Ziskind, to the Rebbeim and teachers who send emails, make phone calls, and visit, Rambam talmidim may graduate, but they never really leave.