Living vending machine raises tzedakah cash


Ora Zeitlin, a fourth grade student at Shulamith School for Girls, lives the lessons imparted by her teachers.

While shopping at a local grocery store, Ora noticed a sign depicting a hungry child.  Excitedly, she outlined her plans to raise money for hungry children: “I’ll be a vending machine that really works and sells stuff. Then I’ll give all the money to Hunger Hurts.”

From a desire to help others comes the idea for a Purim costum.

Is this not one of the foundations of Purim — Matanot La’evyonim and love of a fellow Jew? 

Ora visited home after home on both Purim and Shushan Purim encouraging other children to participate in the mitzva of tzedaka by buying prizes from her vending machine. Ora raised $144 for the Davis Memorial Fund.

“Maybe I can work for them raising money,” suggests Ora, recognizing that while she is only 9 years old, her inspiration became a reality.