LI girls at NCSY’s Yarchei Kallah


Three-hundred-thirteen teens from all over North America (313 this time), including Levana Massihesraelian of West Hempstead and Maytal Babajanian of Roslyn, traveled to Stamford, CT during their winter public school vacations to participate in NCSY’s Torah study program, Yarchei Kallah.

Rabbi Micah Greenland, NCSY International Director and a Yarchei Kallah graduate himself, says with pride: “Yarchei Kallah is the premier Torah learning experience for Jewish public high school teens in the world.”

On Friday, the teens traveled to Teaneck to observe Shabbat with local families and participate in activities at Keter Torah, having bonded as a group and taken a major step on the road to becoming more knowledgeable of Torah Judaism and their Jewish heritage.